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How to Clean & Re-install Lace Frontal Wigs?

After you've worn it a few times, there's a lot of gooey stuff in the lace on your wigs. Whether it is sweat, foundation, blush, etc. It's time to clean up. With the proper care, a full lace front wig can last a long time. Do you know how to clean your virgin human hair wig? Do you know how to re-install them?

5 steps to clean your front lace wig

  • The first thing you will need to do is remove as much of the glue residue on the cap as you can from the virgin human hair front lace wig. Apply the hairspray remover to any remaining glue on the lace. Use a soft brush to remove glue or tape from the lace.

  • Before you wash your lace front human hair wig, spray wig conditioner to wet your virgin hair. This softens the hair and prevents it from being pulled when combing.

  • Use a wide-tooth comb to comb your front lace human hair. Comb your hair from the end all the way to the root. Be sure to start at the end of the hair. Combing your hair from the top of your head can cause it to become detached, broken or knotted.

  • After combing smooth will shampoo evenly smear on the wig human hair with the fingers straighten. (you can also add the shampoo to the warm water and stir well. Then put the wig in the warm water, pat and comb with your fingers. Do not stir, as stirring can cause tangles) make the wig come into full contact with the shampoo. Rinse the shampoo off with warm water. Once the wig is clean, towel dry with gently squeezing.

  • After drying your virgin hair with a towel, evenly apply wig conditioner. Wait about 5 minutes to let the conditioner soak in. Then rinse thoroughly with warm water. Starting at the bottom of the hair, comb, remove any tangles and work your way through the hair to the lace cap. Avoid excessive pulling, which can lead to hair loss. Then let the whole lace front wig dry naturally. Don't blow dry your hair.

How to re-install the lace front wig?

  • Wear a wig cap to hide your own hair.

  • Spray some cosmetics on the cap which makes the color near to your skin.

  • Clean the forehead and skin to increase the adhesive power and hold of the wig.

  • Fix the wig on your head, adjust the strap to make it proper to your head. Not to tight nor too loose.

  • Secure the wig and glue it under. Then press the net down tightly

  • Trim the edge of the lace, make a clear hairline suitable for your forehead.

  • You have to let the glue dry and then style the hair which you like.

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